Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Scorpions. Why'd it hafta be scorpions?

I was going to write a nice meaty entry about how much fun Ryan and I are having planning for the A-T CureTour and how it's become clear in the past few days what a terrific organization we work for.

There is also much to be said about how we found the perfect apartment and I freaked out for a few days because I loved it so, but it happens to be 3.5 miles away from a landfill and I was really SO not thrilled about that. As an aside, if you ever wanted to really annoy your boyfriend, you should plan on telling everyone you see about how... there's this really great apartment? But it's near a landfill? And, like, landfills are smelly and can't they be sort of, I don't know,
dangerous? Such a gorgeous apartment, though! With a huge porch and two bedrooms and two bathrooms! Too bad about the landfill. And the kitchen is just enormous and has ceramic tile floor! And there's a private entrance, too! But, did I tell you about the landfill? The landfillllll! (Luckily, after talking to approximately 4,278 people, I have sufficiently reassured myself that just by living in the general vicinity, I'm not going to grow horns or a tail or anything.)

But this has all been temporarily eclipsed because today we had a little... um... visitor in the office.

Luckily I was not around when he made his appearance because..... Eeeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!! Also Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! (And probably a few heartfelt OhGodOhGodOhGods, too...) If I had actually seen this critter myself, you can rest assured that Ryan would have had to physically lift me from my perch off my chair and carry my weeping, horrified ass from the office. And the worst part is... apparently - Just Super! - he's not the only one. They are spraying after we leave for California.

Seriously, though. Did y'all know they had scorpions in South Florida? And if you did, why the hell didn't you tell me? I mean, I'm sure I would have still moved here and all. However, when my boss told me we were a casual office - but hello! Possible scorpions! - you can bet I would not have chosen to wear flip flops for the past three days.

Nothing says summer like steel toed boots.

1 comment:

D2 said...

Meag -- I can not believe there are scorpions in FL! I never knew. We of course have them here, however I have never (knock on everything in sight) have seen one in person. Also it should be noted (I am sure this will make you less than thrilled) that once you have them infesting they are impossible to get rid of. One of TJ's bank branches has them and they are out there every month and can not get rid of them. Always shake out your shoes before you put them on (life lessons taught in AZ). Stay safe!