Sunday, October 22, 2006

My Dirty Little Secret

Yesterday, I found myself irrationally excited. Not just, as you might imagine, because it's finally starting to hit me that I am leaving in less than two months. Nope. I was also psyched for another reason.

MTV was airing a Laguna Beach marathon.

okay? Yes! I watch Laguna Freakin' Beach! Not obsessively, mind you. I mean, I'm not really a huge television fan to begin with; I only seek out Lost and The Amazing Race regularly and that's about it. Plus I always forget when it's on, so the only time I really see it is if I somehow catch an episode or two or five while flipping channels on a lazy day. (Although I did buy my roommate a very special Christmas gift last year so if I want to relive the drama of Kristen, LC and Stephen, I can. The Laguna Beach Season 1 DVD - the gift that keeps on giving.) Anyway, I could rationalize this all day, but I still have to admit this show completely sucks me in. I don't know why. It could be because it inspires fond memories of the days when Brenda, Brandon and friends made 90210 the most famous zipcode ever. Maybe I enjoy the mindless entertainment. Perhaps it's because the show is just so bad it is actually awesome. Whatever the reason, I am Laguna Beach's bitch.

Of course it is somewhat embarrassing to be spellbound by the lives of these incredibly obnoxious spoiled brats living in California. Nonetheless, I find myself utterly absorbed in all the shenanigans and expressing outrage as "the popular girls" shun Tessa or Alex dumps Rocky because he is a big fat jerk. I do not like him at all. Cameron is also a playa', but he is hot, so I find him a little less objectionable. They sure didn't have boys that looked like him when
I was in high school. See what I mean? I'm telling you; it is really quite sad.

I am aware I am 31 years old, thank you. But I know many others my age who also share this guilty pleasure. I am not alone! So here's to you, Laguna Beach. You make me ever so grateful that I am no longer in high school while simultaneously wishing MTV aired in Bulgaria.


Anonymous said...

Here I thought you were watching a marathon on TV. Goes to show how much television I watch.

Meag said...

Ha! It would be so much cooler if it were an actual marathon (although I prefer running them to watching them...)... but nope. Damn MTV.

Anonymous said...

I am Laguna's bitch as well. Here's to being 31, but living like you are 17!

:) Dana